sexta-feira, março 25

A hora de Meira

Ha jogadores a quem se pode aplicar o rótulo de low-profilers. São aqueles que nunca protestam quando são suplentes, e que não se metem em bicos de pés nas vitórias. Jogadores de equipa a quem não se atribui grande importância porque parece que eles próprios não se atribuem grande importância a si mesmos, numa espécie de crise infinita de auto-confiança que ferve em banho maria.

Quem olha com atenção, e entende minimamente de futebol, consegue descobrir-lhes qualidades relevantes e únicas, mas o festim acaba aí porque falta o glamour. O glamour que os impede, invariavelmente, de integrar grandes equipas e de vender muitas camisolas.

Ao cabo de alguns anos de estrelato discreto Fernando Meira é daqueles jogadores a quem ninguem liga grande coisa. Está "marcado" como um suplente fiável para a seleção nacional quando faltam os titulares-titulares e/ou os titulares dos suplentes. O melhor exemplo desta irrelevância, na minha actividade, reside em que o seu mapa astrológico nem sequer fazia parte da minha base de dados. Para um futebolista Português internacional, e em actividade, trata-se de uma verdadeira raridade...

Foi, por isso, com satisfação que pude constatar a curva ascendente em que se encontra e onde permanecerá durante bastante tempo. Os belissimos aspectos astrológicos ao seu dispôr estendem-lhe, numa passadeira vermelha, o caminho para o estrelato assumido e o reconhecimento merecido e a merecer.

Há quem faça da vida uma prova de 100 metros, e outros há que correm devagar mas sem nunca parar, durante anos, sem esmorecer ou protestar contra o que a vida lhes deve. Porque o momento de colher frutos, sabem-no eles melhor que ninguem, não pode, nem deve, ser antecipado ou precipitado. Pudessemos todos compartilhar, um bocadinho só, desta capacidade de Meira...

quinta-feira, março 24

Ólhó bébé

E pronto. Gostaria de dizer que previ isto, mas não é bem verdade. Couceiro e o seu FCP caem com estrondo no fundo do poço, e o SLB de Vieira, que prescindiu de Roger e Sokota, vão por ali acima. Parece existir uma contradição, mas não querendo transformar derrotas em vitórias, á boa maneira do PCP, não creio que as coisas sejam assim tão lineares.

As razões para tamaha queda do Dragão não têm própriamente que ver com a politica de contratações seguida. Essa é a minha opinião, apesar de ser geral a opinião contrária. E não querendo ser mais papista do que o papa, como sempre acontece acredito que o futuro se encarregará de me dar razão. É a estrutura da equipa, assente em Baía, Jorge Costa, Maniche e Macarthy, o foco de decadência nas Antas. Não será por acaso que dois ou três deles irão saír do clube no final da época. Pinto da Costa tentou virar o bico ao prego. Tentou bem, na minha maneira de ver as coisas. Mas não chegou.

No polo oposto temos o SLB, que baseia a sua liderança da Superliga numa estrutura geral bastante consolidada e sem jogadores basilares a atravessarem conjunturas aziagas da sua estrutura individual. É uma questão de somar conjunturas estruturadas, de um lado, e de somar conjunturas basilares desconjuntadas, do outro (do FCP).

Quando se faz uma previsão há que levar em linha de conta, primeiramente, as conjunturas individuais, e depois, e mais importante, transformar essas conjunturas individuais numa realidade colectiva una. No caso do FCP as alterações do mercado de inverno não foram suficientes para alterar o rumo colectivo. Mas nem por isso, e aqui é tambem possivel que existam opiniões diversas, me parece que o FCP saia a perder.

Porquê? Porque o FCP prepara o futuro, com jogadores que, mais uma vez na minha opinião astrológica, acabarão por dar rendimento, ao passo que o SLB aposta tudo na vitória presente, hipotecando o futuro próximo e menos próximo, ao abdicar de jogadores de alta estirpe. Está a deitar-se fora o bébé com a água do banho, e as vitórias costumam mascarar muita borrada.
Já agora, há por aí alguem que ainda queira dizer mal do Trappalhoni? Era a sensação que me dava.

quinta-feira, março 10


Eu sei que não se deve andar por aí a plagiar outros blogs, mas não resisto a "pastar" um excerto do excelente Leiam e chorem por mais.

“Lisboa practica a espécie mais horrível de escarro, o escarro anatómico. Que começa por um aclarar da garganta, um expectorar, um acumular nas partes superiores da cavidade nasal, após o que se desencadeia o trabalho propriamente dito, que baixa às profundezas, como que um labor mineiro, uma cuidadosa, circunspecta dragagem, bombagem, sucção da descarga a partir de todas as esquinas do palato, da faringe, da cavidade nasal posterior, de toda a casta de cavernas acessórias do nariz. Conforme o ponto de aplicação, assim a tarefa é acompanhada de um crocitar, um estertorar, um esganar. Por fim, tudo aquilo termina em explosões, na expulsão do património tão esforçadamente acumulado. Há que ter cautela quando ocorre a descarga propriamente dita. O disparo pode borrifar-nos a cara ou apontar aos nossos pés. Tudo aquilo é de horror, mas, conforme disse, práctica comum.”

Alfred Doblin, "Viagem ao Destino", Edições ASA.

domingo, março 6

Técnicas de previsão astrológica

Vou deixar transcritos dois artigos sobre técnicas de previsão astrológica, da lavra de um experiente Astrólogo Americano especialista em Cosmobiologia. São textos só perceptiveis para quem possua uma cultura astrológica minimamente consolidada, nomeadamente ao nível de Astrologia Uraniana (e não só), mas para esses a qualidade dos mesmos servirá em muito para melhorar as respectivas técnicas de previsão. Este senhor percebe da poda. Vão por mim.

I am so glad you posted it, as I finally said a number things that I feel are extremely important to an overview of the Hamburg School System, including what is called Uranian Astrology in the US.As one can read, I make the point for the need to check the whole flow of time around an expected event in prognosis, essentially saying that there is no totally dependable short cut to finding out the when and how of a coming event like an election or anything else. (one must check the whole flow of time around the I am also saying, is that New Moons, Yearly charts, using timings of the new moon for each day in the period until the next new Moon, and all such means of trying to determine what is coming are simply "hilfsmittel" i.e., aids, attempts at short-cuts. But nothing more! They are a means of trying to get an overview of a very general nature, if one does not have the time to check every single relevant time, moment, and minute around the time of the expected event. In a good sense, they are an attempt at saving oneself a lot of trouble. Because the only true way to find the particulars of an expected event, etc., is to go through the WHOLE FLOW OF TIME FOR THE PERIOD AROUND THAT EVENT.But checking the whole flow of time for a possible event or period is a tall order and can take a lot of time on the part of the astrologer. However, the graphical ephemerises can help save a lot of time in such cases. I use graphical ephemerises which I print out for each 1/4 year, for each month, and for every week. And when I used Astrrolab's DOS-based NOVA, I even printed them out for a single day. And I do them twice, once with Solar-arc progressions and once with Secondary progressions, both of which work (the secondary progressions are especially important for the Progressive AS and MC, and also for the faster moving factors/planets).I have found that, ultimately, there is no saving oneself a lot of trouble if one is really going to do a horoscope. I print out everything, including circles in all moduluses from 360° (three ways, with Aries above, then with the MC and AS houses) down to 22.5° and 120° and 60° (to find perfect trines, etc., which work strongly as planetary pictures, since each factor has another factor of the trine in its midpoint).In fact, the enormous work involved, especially back then when there weren't computer aps and I had to order the graphs and make transparent templates to fit over the graphs,....that evormous work is one of the reasons ( not all) that I stopped doing astrology profressionally for money long long ago. Few people realize the work involved and fewer would even begin to pay for it.I do not fully trust New Moons or using the New Moon times for the day under consideration, because there is too much going on in a life for one astrological aid or short-cut to pinpoint everything. And, for example, if Bush had cut himself badly the day of the election, using New Moon times might have shown up as him losing the election, since new Moon times, would at best reflect the whole day. So I use those timings, but with a large grain of salt. And always check the graphical Ephemerises.Doing a chart is as complex, ultimately, as the life one is checking on. There are no easy ways.Blessed are those with dependable intuition! That is all I can say. Because great intuition can save one a lot of time finding the right thing in a chart.

Much love to all,
Mark B Anstendig

After the US election last November Mark sent the following excellent posting on Uranian techniques of making prediction using the Election as an example. I apologise Mark for the lateness of this posting as I was completely occupied by other activities at the time and the email got lost in my mailbox. Thank you so much for sharing these techniques with this forumFor releases, I would agree that orbs should be tighter. For the personal tendencies, I would say the aspect-relationships from direct progressions, especially conjunctions, remain for a while. And for insights into a person's chart (character, life tendencies, etc.), greater orbs can be allowed, because factors a few degrees from one another are often approached from both directions by forward-moving factors and retrograde factors, and those moving factors bind those static radix factors together during the periods that the moving factors are between the two or more radix factors. But with Kerry, this time, with the powerful VEd=MEr directed conjunction, which one would have expected to help Kerry, the VE was already a little past the Mercury, and there was no good news from the election, while the VE tendencies in Kerry's life still continue, with plenty of Venus-like sentiments floating all around him. So the progression that had the one factor just past the other factor had little releasing power or power to affect the outcome.Over the years, I found that releases, especially such important ones like an election, happen with enormously exact precision. However, I was working mostly with emphasis on 22.5° charts and double checking them with the larger-degree circles, rather than the other way around. Still they seem to bear out their precision in this election: The many graphical Ephemeris charts, which I described in a previous post, all show the real-time releases for Bush and Kerry as extremely exact, with little orbs. For example, the VEt is exactly at Bush's VEr and the MEt is exactly at his MEp (secondary progression), and his MOd is just past the MCr and at his APd yesterday morning when Kerry called and conceded, making Bush the winner.And Bush's VEr, which is VEr=KRr, is also very exactly JUd=Pld with the directed progressions, and VEt goes over those factors around the time of concession with little orb, if any.And his MEt=NOr=PLt, with MAd about a quarter degree before them. MA often releases early. Also, and tellingly, his very important secondary progressed MC and AS, which are moving close together in 22.5° are so precise it is breathtaking: the MCprog is at his MOp and the ASp is at his MAp, both of which are within less than half a degree of each other. It couldn't be more clear. (BTW, this last AS and MC progression shows the extreme accuracy of Heike's rectification of the Bush chart, a technique quite different from prognosis). In my own very personal opinion, the original ways of using the Hamburg School system IN TOTO, starting with the basics of the larger aspect-relationships and the larger planetary pictures is the way to go. Unfortunately, it is a lot of trouble to wade through a whole period of an election day and the following day(s) to find the probable moments of win, etc., but the graphs help with that. Using the planetary groupings to try to see which part of a complex chart will be most active and cause the final result has its limitations. Not because the technique is wrong. but because we are complete people, not just parts of a person working at different periods of time. Therefore, and especially with such large events as winning or losing a Presidential Election, the WHOLE chart is active and all progressions, primary and secondary, along with all transits, and if used, all houses, are in play and have to be checked, with no one taking precedence.....although, after checking everything, certain ones will stand out. That might not be shown by the groupings and theoretical activators, as it apparently wasn't this time. However, as the above graphical readings show, the very most basic ways of working (direct aspects, in this case) are the ones that usually cause results in such life-changing, important events, and it was the ME itself (messages, news) and the VE itself (good news, the loving sentiments) that released the final win, and not any complex midpoints, halfsums or other pictures. Just the old, traditional transits of the naked planets themselves. It was the Mot that timed them, just as traditionally taught. If I were to do the complete charts for the moment of concession and the concession speech (I don't know their exact times), I am sure the AS and MC on the transitting heavens at that moment would be very exactly releasing the whole thing, with little or no orbs at all. That much I have observed metagnostically very carefully over the years. The transitting AS and MC always activate the factors causing anything with absolute precision if one knows the exact time of the happening. This can be observed with little things like cutting yourself, or tripping on something, as well as events. The Hamburg School did not forget the traditional astrology. It just rethought it, getting rid of the accumulated ineffective or illogical ballast/ideas that had accumulated by word of mouth over many many centuries, and keeping everything else, including direct planetary configurations/aspects. So I, personally, still work with planetary aspects between one single planet/factor to another single planet factor, along with all the complex planetary pictures of the system, even though many Hamburgian Astrologers use only pictures and symmetrical figurations and avoid direct aspects completely. Imy lessons, Lefeldt and Ludwig, and even Ebertin, while emphasizing the symmetrical planetary pictures and their richness of interpretation, did not ignore the powerful direct aspects when they were present (which is almost always). They did, however, write those direct aspects as formulae, like SA=MA, etc. to preserve the concept that they were all planetary pictures, even the squares, conjunctions, oppositions, etc. But the graphical Ephemerises show things releasing with enormous precision and very small orbs, sometimes even no orbs, if one views the whole chart. The exception to this is Mars, which traditional astrologers had already noticed long ago often releases before it reaches the factor, with which it is combining. And I am sure that doing the non graphical charts for the exact moments of concession and acceptance, etc., will also show releases of extreme precision and tight orbs.

Hope this helped.

Love to all,

Mark B Anstendig